Anonymous 10/23/2019 (Wed) 09:54:45 Id: a2cf48 No.76314 del
This is an update for all end/pol/ visitors and regulars: Fed agent tricks are already being posted here. I've been deleting them, and every single time I see those bait posts they will get stratched off this board.

What you need to look out for and avoid is failing for the Fed bait, because I can't always be here to remove it. The last single OP posts have been about contacting them through email either to acquire drugs, bombs or "politics secrets". Do not fall for it. They're trying to lure you in. The dipshits keep saying shit like they "have connections with the DoD".

I'm reminded of an anon who said how disappointed he was that he could do a better job than Federal agent shitheads by purely typing with his fucking face. Very true. They're only trying to pick up the gullible idiots who will give out their personal information unwittingly. Ignore all "email me" for random services posts" Report them. Move on. I'm going back to bed