Anonymous 05/24/2019 (Fri) 23:30:18 Id: 2eecf4 No.71975 del
You do me great honour by speaking so. There will come a time to lead, the horrors upon us are beyond comprehension at this juncture, from the invasion of our nations by innately hostile golems, the stripping of our cultue and spirit to the mutilation of our children by "social justice" lunatics, the tally grows ever taller. It will fall to us all to be the men our people demand us to be but the question is always when. Wait too long, it will fall apart beyond a fighting chance. Too early you get shut down instantly like many modern movements.

I apparently do have a certain cadence to my voice (a subject of chagrin for my wife who claims I sound akin to a World War 1 officer) but from time to time I struggle with addressing larger groups which has cropped up on occassion in my field of expertise. Sometimes despite my ability to speak eloquently with a handful of people I trip over my tongue with more so any advice would be warmly welcomed.