Anonymous 06/17/2019 (Mon) 11:14:58 Id: c6e3d6 No.72155 del
>Post got cut off
Let us look for a moment at National Action, the ill fated and sadly anti life movement that emerged in Britain. It held rallies openly naming the tribe and recruited directly from the working class, their ranks swelled quite a bit considering. They proved successful to a degree in rallying, however they also had multiple serious issues, the first one being a completely controlled organisation. Now I know some like to claim "no man, we werent controlled op, we were legit m8". Let me make it abundantly clear, they were not a natural movement. Every member found themselves on a list, *every* member. The second issue with them, as if the first main one isn't enough was their focus on the nihilistic nature of the movement. They wanted change, of course. But what they presented had no method of doing so. A brief look at their imagery or appearence reveals much, the stylised symbol of the movement, the corruption of Mosley's smartly dressed Black Shirts into hoodies and black jeans, their entire appearence was the corruption of positive aspects. No Men of Action, only Men of Death. They had an ideal of giving Britain back to the British only they failed to understand that their appearence and actions was merely a tool for the parasite to use to *supress* such a thing. But people kept flocking any way as they were the only group at that juncture doing it. Young working class men had something to believe in, they had a goal that aimed around doing something even if it was nebulous and unfocused beyond "fuck kikes". Had they the foresight to realise they were becoming puppets, well, let us just say hindsight is always 20/20.

Now to compare to another movement, namely Scottish Dawn. It is claimed that they had ties to NA, something that would allow the parasite to deploy the system into full shut it down mode however they had a few marked differences. Initially SD utilised a system similar to Golden Dawn with voluntary community improvements such as clearing the countryside of garbage and various other local projects. At first, it began with a few hundred and gained momentum in a short time among the working class in a similar vein to NA only with a focus initially on Scottish nationalism. The very sybmol they used was the life rune, a reflection of these values. However, much like most modern movements, it seems to of been infiltrated and eventually became NA lite. A brief look at this video is a good demonstration what with the moody visuals, the forboding music and the "FCK ISIS" hoodies. It was a devolution into the anti life nihilism of NA.

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When considering both of these movements there is a clear demonstration there are those willing to stand and to make a change. The issue is the need for a true leader for them to rally around which is why I promote so heavily for a informational offensive that would get the truth of the situation in the hands of these men and for someone with the wisdom, Will and foresight of what is needed to lead them from a higher echelon. Someone who understands the dangers of negative imagery and nihilistic rage and can turn it into a positive change for which men can follow to victory and glory. If you offer these men mere survival some may see that as something impossible as your merely resisting. But to offer not merely survival but an objective goal at changing their fates, well, then you offer them something more. There is little glory in survival, of course there is a nobility in the concept of sacrifice to make it happen but men yearn for something beyond being remembered simply for that. They want to know they made a tangible change to a dying system. We must offer them that.