Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 11:48:05 Id: fa31c1 No.73007 del
> I have considered formulating a PDF of a more "user friendly" version replacing the use of the harsher words while retaining a clear indicator of the parasites alterations to our culture
>and it's use of their golems but there is still a vast amount of /sig/ concepts that need to be covered before I undertake that project.
You should. It would be an important undertaking. You have a way with inspirational speeches. One more thing. Don't let those who wish to do nothing but sow division on this board in the recent exodus bring you down should they choose to. I can already predict the foolish accusations. "Blog posting", when before it was "autism", before that "tl;dr". Those that hate reading are too dumb to change. Usually, they have an ulterior motive on the side of the parasitic enemy or they're actually of the tribe to throw insults your way anyway.