Anonymous 11/16/2019 (Sat) 06:50:54 Id: 8e8e99 No.77005 del
I will say that with public speaking, the stammering etc. when in front of large crowds is a matter of your sense of self value. Your mind subconsiously is thinking "out of all these people who am I to command or advise or speak to them?" However, if you just remember and think about the fact that you know more or are more capable in the matter that you are discussing than anyone else present than it helps with those feelings. I am young and a student and I teach as a student instructor and I can say that starting out it was the most difficult obstacle I had to overcome. But eventually I realized that I knew so much more about the subject than any of the students and so even if I made an occasional error, they wouldn't be any wiser. Knowing this has helped me overcome my fears when speaking to a large audience; hopefully it can be some use to you as well.