Anonymous 11/27/2019 (Wed) 15:20:53 Id: 88987e No.77269 del
>4) Hitler doesn't invade the strait of Gibraltar, which would have made him the master of the Mediterranean sea, thus preventing the battles of north Africa, and also the invasion of Italy and of the south of France. The communication lines between England and its empire (like India), would have been much more extended.
Invading Gibraltar would've put him at odds with Spain, which was neutral during the war and was previously supported by Germany (though Franco of course was later at some odds with him, he was never an enemy). Speaking of which...
>Maybe he would have been obliged to invade Spain also. But without the threat of an invasion in the south of Europe, he would have been able to remove troops from other areas, like Greece. And as Spain was exhausted by the war of 1936 (which had ended in 1939), it would have been very easy to defeat it.
Why would Germany turn against Spain, which it supported in a war of independence, and which would put them at odds with Portugal, which was a British ally? Fuck, this author is retarded.
>5) "The Jew Hitler refuses to even feint an attack on Britain to draw the British navy to the channel, were it could be obliterated by aircraft".
He could've baited the navy into the channel so it could've been destroyed by aircraft. It doesn't work like that.
>6) "The Jew Hitler declares war on the U.S., even though he was no more obliged to declare war on the U.S. than Japan was obliged to declare war on the Soviet Union, which Germany had been fighting since June 1941. Japan never declared war on the Soviet Union."
I've already covered this before. The US was already going to declare war on Germany, and so Hitler decided to declare war against it first. As it is said, a great power doesn't let nations declare war on it, but declares war on nations.
>7) "The Jew Hitler (against the advice of all his generals) single-handedly saves Moscow by ordering army group "Center" to stop its advance on Moscow".
Taking Moscow was an actual shitty move. The USSR wasn't going to end once Hitler took Moscow. They were already planning to move their capital to Kazan. Hitler's strategy of moving troops south to take the oil fields of the Caucasus and to secure Ukraine (the bread-basket of the country) was far better than that of his generals. Again, military mental midget.
>8) "The Jew Hitler tells the Soviets an attack will occur at Kursk. The Jew Hitler delays the attack for more than four months, until the Soviets have built defensive lines eight deep. The Soviets concentrate 1,300,000 soldiers with 3,600 tanks, 20,000 artillery pieces, including 6,000 76mm anti-tank guns, and 2,400 aircraft in and around Kursk. An attack anywhere other than Kursk would be fatal for the Soviets, but the Soviets seem to know that the attack will come only at Kursk."
>They knew it because the war was a fake one, planned by the jewish leaders.
Nonsense. British intel intercepted their plans and gave the intel to the Soviets. He never "told them an attack would happen at Kursk".
>"The Jew Hitler is amazed by the supermen of the elite SS Panzer Korps Liebstandarte, who, in the south, break through all eight defensive lines and take on the Soviet reserve tank battalions".
>"Less than two weeks into the offensive, worried that the Liebstandarte might win the battle for the Germans, the Jew Hitler strips this elite group of their tanks and ships them to Northern Italy, where they sit on their hands for some months before returning to the eastern front. The pretext of the Sicily invasion is used".
>As there was enough jews in the concentration camps, Hitler's mission was over, and then, he had to loose the war. And the unexpected success of the SS Panzer Korps Liebstandarte was not at all a part of the plan. So, he sent them far away.
Because northern Italy and southern France threatened the heartland of Germany itself. Maybe if the British accepted peace agreements, he would've kept all divisions east, but now that the western front has returned, protecting Germany and Italy themselves was a priority.