Need Advice and Help 1/2 Anonymous 12/18/2019 (Wed) 05:24:17 Id: 572c5d No.77782 del
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I would type a more well put together post, but I’ve been putting it off lately, and if I don’t post at least something, I feel I will never get any advice and help from any of you anons that I desperately need.

I currently feel hopeless with my future, in terms of career and purpose, especially purpose. I’m currently getting into a career in which the job is very monotonous and boring but would give me enough to pay bills, buy groceries, and save enough to be somewhat decently and financially sound.
I also feel like I have no purpose to strive for and feel like my life will be waking up to go to work an 8am-4pm job every day. Due to this, I hardly set and goals at all as I feel there is no point at all. I live in a location that doesn’t allow me to indulge in activities or hobbies that I like, let alone having enough cash to enjoy them even if I had the chance pursue them. I can’t seem to socially connect with anyone, as if I try to engage, I will only get one-line responses. I know I need to get outside more, but there aren’t any areas where I live that I can be socially active, either making friends or finding and engaging with women. I‘ve tried searching for ways to fix this by finding things to do outside of my home, but I live in an area that has only shopping malls and chain stores, restaurants and bars, flat terrain, and movie theaters to be engaged in terms of being social and pursuing activities, and nothing else. Since I cannot find any outlets that I like to pursue in and afford to do (mostly outdoor activities and sports (swimming, outdoor rock climbing, camping and hiking in mountainous areas, and also that gives an adrenaline thrill like sky diving and bungee jumping) I mostly stay at home wasting time and am hardly social.
I used to workout, but I hardly do that anymore. Even if I try to, I barely seem to try to. At most was a week of calisthenics and running. Now I just walk long distances (5-7 miles) in the weekends as it is the most effortless exercise I can do. However, my diet seems to be rather decent and healthy-ish and I don’t engage in the liquid-jew or the smoking-leaf-jew.
I had a real goal to look forward to once, and it was (as stupid and reckless as it sounds) joining the YPG in Syria to fight against ISIS. I was very serious about it too. I started to engaged in physical exercise and was very disciplined about it too to get myself conditioned and pass the training academy that international fighters go through, teaching myself guns and weapons from information, manuals, and clubs, and looked up any information and articles about the current situation for foreign fighters and general information about the civil war in both Syria and Iraq. The only problem was I was still in college and it would seem wise to go without finishing my degree. Once I did, I got a job and saved up enough to afford some necessary gear, a plane ticket to go over to Iraq-Kurdistan and travel via guide to Rojava Syria and a plane ticket to return back incase things didn’t go as planned. However, by the time I had enough saved up, ISIS’ territory was reduced to a small town and later considered defeated and YPG had no need for any international fighters to join. I ended up being purposeless again.