Anonymous 12/21/2021 (Tue) 04:57:50 Id: bf5dd7 No.86113 del
If I may say you and those like you who have been in this far longer than I often do yourselves a disservice in your perception that your failing in helping your friends understand the state of things and getting them to stand against it means you yourself have failed in some manner. You are right that Hitler in the beer halls bought hope to his people, showed them what they could be. You need to realise you yourself have done this as well, mayhaps not in the same way but you genuinely have. As a critical mass of racial awareness has taken place on each larger chan or pocket of the internet, be it 4 or 8chan or any of the other previous uncensored places, it was you and people like you, the proponents of the true events of the vile wars and the ideals behind National Socialism, that led myself and countless others to not merely understanding the truth around the events that remained fogged in lies but showed such lies could be stood against. Without people like yourself and those who use these boards word would never of spread, the names of good Men would forever be marred and those seeking the truth of this age would forever be trapped in the nightmare of semetic lies. You, all those who frequent this board, who frequented each board and discussion thread prior to the hammer falling, showed people like myself there was more to the dire state of things than we had known. It was people like you that pushed people like me into the original /sig/ threads, who discussed the old German training manuals, who taught people like me about classical music and the creations of Wagner, the beauty of classical art, who helped hollow men understand what the true spirit within them is, you and all who have reside here and the prior places taught men like myself there was a chance at something better through knowledge and through action.

Concerning your comment on the depth of the propaganda within society you are indeed correct. However there does appear to be some cracks forming, at least to a minor degree. A friend of mine pointed me towards a youtube comment section of all things, thinking I'd be entertained. It was for some terrible animated Christmas movie with some screeching jewess, plot is something along the lines of "Santa is white and a man therefore hes bad, I'm a jewish woman pretending to be white, I should be santa". You can imagine the tropes of course in the trailer. What did made me choke on my coffee with a chuckle though was the array of comments. "The Toyim Know". "This is why you got kicked from 109 countries". On and on it went, it was rather entertaining. I've an addon to use youtube anonymously as well as show dislikes and much to my chagrin it was absolutely butchered. Yes, it was only a simple small victory and soon comments were locked shortly after but before that the entire section was aflame with jokes and people pointing out how the cast were all jewish. I do believe, at least to a degree, that an awareness is slowly creeping in, not quite as loud as one may hope but people thanks to the covid situation are mayhaps starting to wander into looking at things from sources they normally wouldn't. Oh, don't misunderstand, I highly doubt it's a sign of a sudden huge resurgence of racial awareness but I do think it might be the seeds of something germinating slowly. They do seem to be on the defensive an awful lot of late, they even began scrubbing early life sections on wikipedia the last year or so. Throw in the recent conflict in Palestine and their desperate attempts to spin their murderous rampage and certain oddball conspiracy circles noting the Ghislaine Maxwell's trial has an Israeli judge and her involvement in the sex trade in Israel of White Central and Eastern European women (and let us be honest, children) and how little reporting is being done to the public it does seem certain things are slipping through the cracks.