Anonymous 02/10/2022 (Thu) 14:26:43 Id: 899486 No.86465 del
Someone asked about Dirlewanger February 26th of 2020 in the old Meta Thread 5 >>78745 with the exact same image. They were given an answer almost two years ago. >>78746 And then in QTDDTOT June 2020, there was specific claiming as "fact" (through TOR posting lies) that Dirlewanger was a "degenerate criminal and he was given command over a bunch of other degenerate criminals " >>80792 Everything is easily found on this board if you know where to look.

Dirlewanger was SS-Oberführer of the 36th Waffen Grenadier Division who was tasked with eliminating violent Communist partisans. Which in war time had to happen. Your question is obviously laced with intent.