Anonymous 05/12/2023 (Fri) 21:43 Id: 3808e7 No.90454 del
Too many fake their social personalities. It is by majority fraud and false personas now as corporate overlords want service with a fake smile. Introverts are pressured by the extroverts to be as obnoxious as them, even though those extroverts can't possibly understand how impossible that is. So when they force fake personalities, they create shallow sociopaths. There's no point to the social parties of modern degenerates, as they're going to spend the majority of their adult lives pretending they have "friends" when it's mostly the distance of ((social media)) and the butt-kissing of corrupt management by cowardly coworkers.

What to do with the issue? National Socialism was the reality of happiness over fraud personalities. Since that will never rise again against ZOG's worldwide grip, I suppose all that's left is to lament.