Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 15:09 Id: 199fc7 No.91868 del
I realize all of that, Slav anon. I've also been around imageboards since before 4chan existed. The subtleties there in the screenshots are prime examples of ironic shitposting. It's a bit difficult to tell from actual enemy propaganda. Which is why ironic shitposting as jews is not allowed here. These people at /leftypol/ so far, by the examples I've seen, are playing an amusing LARP. Actual Leftists try way harder to convince people of their stance and then sperg out with retard rage when anyone dares to disagree with anything they ever say. Even if their dialogue is entirely unrelated, such as discussion of a film or series. Or games.

The one thing those shitposting LARPers forgot to do is fly into a rage at the most insignificant contradicting replies. Leftists are emotional babies. They can't into logic or facts.