12/20/2023 (Wed) 02:18
Id: a45ee6
No. 91984
>>91972 Thats a difficult thing to consider as it writes like 15 year old and has a tantrum of a sugar child in its 30s confirming Vallejo Nájeras analysis in spanish civil war
>Pic from 1950s >Era when just an accusation of being a bolshevik was enough to get lynching from mob. And i tought i saw enough of cancer today...
>>91925 >They're too passive compared to the old murdering Bolsheviks. And not relevant as during the old times they could just promise pearls and trinkets to raise the army to let them to destroy before getting dumped by jews to enjoy that destruction, what they have now? Nothing at all, what they will just come to amazon warehouse employee and tell him if he joins he will get STDs, brain damage, and castration with negrophilia?
>BLM definitely committed murders along with vandalism Well here is a thing, were these politically or racially motivated to begin with. Because yes since naacp jews were training cheap revolutionaries (until stonewall riots where chimping was too big) however they condition their conciousness around loxism to give them "identity" and bolshevism serves them as sort of idk social foce to destroy themselves (like mugabe did with mandela)
>>91982 >shitty 70s music was Who thinks in his right mind that 70s apart of what now is in vietnam war playlists is unuque...