Anonymous 01/06/2024 (Sat) 13:06 Id: ecb5d6 No.92143 del
Do you know anything about Gleiwitz? It is understood that the SS staged the attack for Hitler so that the war looked legal.
Otto: This is where history gets interesting, and someday the documents or testimonies may be found that contradict the allied version of events. To preface my thoughts on the matter, I will say that I lived during this time and heard of the events real time. I had many walks with the Führer while I commanded his bodyguard. He was very open and honest regarding the war; he did not want to fight. I know the war was started by England and America, who helped pull the strings. I know first-hand that Polish militia or criminals, were crossing our border to steal, rob, and in a few cases kill citizens. This is a fact that has slowly been attacked and driven underground by the victors where today it is called “Nazi propaganda”. The books that are available today that discuss Gleiwitz are using the same sources, mainly just tribunal evidence of so and so who “gave sworn testimony.” There is no real evidence. If that is the entire legal basis that this allied “fact” is judged by, then it is amazing people actually believe anything the Allies say. Their claim is that Hitler really wanted to attack Poland so he could steal land and do away with the sub human Slavs. To do this he knew the smart German people would have to be fooled, so he cooks up this plan to have inmates dressed as Poles get shot, SS men yelling angry tirades against Germany, posing as Poles, and then Germany in righteous indignation attacks the poor peace loving nation who was only trying to stave off a madman.

You have to believe it was a huge conspiracy from the top down to plan and execute this, you have the SS man giving a statement, and you have the Poles saying they would never have done this to Germany. Yet, when we accuse the Allies of conspiracies, they say we are crazy and just evil. What hypocrisy. I believe how it happened was this: Polish insurgents, wanting to fan the flames of war, and emboldened by British promises of help if we attacked, struck an easy target. Naujocks suffered the fate so many SS men did at the hands of his captors, sign a confession and maybe go home, or you and your family die. I spoke to Peiper who relayed his experience with this many years ago before he was murdered. Germany already had instances of Poles attacking our citizens, ignored today, so it is not out of the realm of possibility that they would attack Gleiwitz, since our police could never catch them in the past. It would have been very easy to sneak across the border, and get back quickly. I look at it as a partisan attack, not a government sanctioned event. Germany was trying to work out a peaceful solution with Poland, and I hope in the future more information, which the victors control, will become known on this issue.

Do you believe that Germany committed atrocities in Poland?
Otto: No, I do not. One man’s atrocity is another man’s reprisal. I have said for every action, there was a reaction. The story goes that we hated the Poles so much that we invaded their peaceful nation, enslaved them to work, and killed them on an industrial scale when they gave us problems. Many German soldiers and their Polish friend’s would disagree, as well as the many Polish people who served in the Wehrmacht or other capacities. There were incidences where a few overzealous Polish soldiers or civilians were hung for crimes against us, but for the most part, we got along very well with the Polish people. If they broke the laws that we enforced, like stealing, murder, assault, and fraud they went to prison camps, just like in any other country. I only saw evidence of Polish atrocities not German ones. I know a couple of Generals protested once seeing civilians executed, but I am skeptical as they thumped their chest after the war, I assume to impress upon the victors that they really did not believe in or follow Hitler. [continued]