01/06/2024 (Sat) 13:12
Id: ecb5d6 (9) Prev Next
No. 92146 [Hide User Posts] [X]
These traitorous aristocrats found fertile ground to plant the seeds of revolt; I believe the Allies had a bigger hand than what they admit. Many Generals and aristocrats had friends on the other side and they found ways to stay in touch with them. Therefore, the Allies could have had a hand in getting these friends to act on their frustrations. Their friends may have planted the idea that if they end the war they will be the real heroes, as they will save Germans from dying needlessly. Our side tried the same thing with the British in 1940/41 culminating with the flight of Hess to try to get the royals to intervene and stop the war. NS Germany had many enemies and I am sure they were somehow behind the plots to remove the Führer, which the German people did not want to do.I cannot discuss the war without bringing up the issue of concentration camps, after watching the movie Holocaust; it appears Germany targeted Jews for mass killing. This is something you believe is not correct. Otto: I want to be clear with you. Jews and others were put into many camps from 1933 to 1945, and at the end of the war, many ended up dying in these camps. However, there was no German policy to purposely kill these inmates based on their race or religion. The story goes that we hated them so much, since they were so successful and we were jealous of them, that we rounded them up and when we couldn’t get them out of Europe we gassed them. I saw the movies the Allies made us watch, I heard the stories they would freely tell on the radio, and read the books they write. They say our hatred was so great, that God poured out his anger on the German people as the righteous Allies destroyed us for raising our hand against Gods chosen people. It makes the allied cause seem very just and righteous. I say use your thinking cap, examine the testimonies with an open mind; ask yourself if it is possible. Some Jews were put into camps yes, just as Japanese were put into camps in America, because they were viewed as a threat. We viewed the Jewish problem as being very serious, they assassinated many of our diplomats, papers they owned encouraged disobedience and we reacted against them. For every action, there is a reaction. When war started, more were rounded up and sent to camps, to be moved east, from where they came. We used them for very important labor, with the men off serving, there were large needs for workers, and they provided it. So why kill people who could help create what you need. I understand that fingers are pointed at us, just the very fact we had people, even whole families in camps looks bad. However, to say they were targeted for murder ups the ante of pure evil. While I was never in a camp, I did see some of the inmates after the war, and never heard anything of a plan to kill them. We executed orders very well, so I assure you if there had been an order to kill them all, there would be none left in Europe. Instead, there are millions of survivors. We would not have used an insecticide to do it either; Zyklon B was a fumigant that all nations used to kill lice, which cause typhus, which killed millions after the first war. The Americans called it DDT, so the Jews expect us to believe DDT was used to gas them, while we see news reels of GI’s and Wehrmacht soldiers getting sprayed with it before going on leave. The many photos of dead bodies that the Allies paraded around that purport to show proof, are in truth, evidence of why delousing was needed. The Allies destroyed rail lines, bridges, roads, and airports so that no supplies could get to German cities or the camps. One sad example of the Allies killing inmates is the train found at Dachau, it was bringing inmates to the camp from the east, and fighters attacked it. Dozens died instantly from the attack, and the guards fled leaving dozens more wounded to die. The allied press had a happy time showing a “Nazi” atrocity. There were times GD was in bad shape, we had no rations, medical supplies or water and our soldiers were getting sick. [continued]