Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 09:15 Id: c4a641 No.93957 del
>His 21st century followers kneel to them.
That is the problem, yes. But don't believe I'm not aware of the scope. Personally, a job of over 6 years about a year ago: Some bitch was spreading her streaming-serviced church around. It was a church with a jew pastor meaning I didn't have to go but could watch at my leisure at home. He made sure his congregation sang el shaddai and apologized for jews being a "product of their times". Just like the (((Scofield))) bible. Kikes hijack what's not (((theirs))) and infiltrate to debase and tear down. It's basically all they're ever good for.
>God is the Truth. Constantly pray to it.
I'm not a jew so I don't despise God or Jesus as they do. As the Natsoc pretenders who come here do as well. The many centuries old feud between Asatru and Christians is just that. An old feud. One that was settled a long time ago. I don't view Odinn as a separate entity nor Jesus different from Baldr. When I was going through Catholic and Protestant private schools as my grandmother kept switching faiths, there was a lot they couldn't answer for. Blanks in the mythos to fill. Origins. I don't worship anyone or anything. I'm not capable of feeling that strongly. I've spent too long desensitized to the depravities of modern ZOG society. All I can muster is interest.