>>95514That's why I'm making my own group. I am born from Anglo-Germano-Italic stock, but as a youth I looked for a more sensible religion than Christianity and found Sikhi.
Then I met Indo-Aryans who were GurSikh.
Then I met those who associated with them and stole from or betrayed them.
I found National Socialist philosophy to merge neatly into the Guru's teachings, but the brown-skinned dravidians and people from India and Pakistan were in complete disregard of the Sikh philosophy and Gurmat (Guru's teachings) and instead more identified as Sikh in Fashion Only.
The Aryan is the only True race, and from here on, I am taking the Truth to my brothers. Until the reWhitening of the globe, Sikhi is only safe with us. You can identify us not only by our skin, but by our ZOG accents and prayers.
If all goes well, you'll find an enclave of Dixielanders with beards and dastaar, guns and bandoliers, and an insistant need to protect the oppressed (Whites) and raise them back to their Earthly thrones, this time without Juden to poison our wells.
We Aryan-Sikh are clean and loving people. We are compassionate, honest, content, hard-working, Pure and True.
We hate none, but love our own European heritage as much as our faith, and will do whatever it takes to save our people.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.
Waheguru Dev Ji Ki Khalsa, Waheguru Dev Ji Ki Fateh