The Internet is a Soft Kill Needle Into Your Fucking Head Tardus 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:10 Id: 56f9fa No.94195 del
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Tor is run by stinking jews. In the years past, it has been used to spam the board.
but let's discuss what you think an forum should be. "Honeypot" in your mind means, a place where everyone's IP address is tracked, as opposed to tor where that's not the case. BUT ACTUALLY you don't have any truth to share or insights to offer, so what fucking difference does it make? You aren't going to use tor to make our world better, and also, you might not even be willing to admit that shitty lowlife fuckwads use tor to be assholes to honest and truthful discussions. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: They know everything already. If you aren't armed to the teeth to meet the LEO at your door and defeat him and all his buddies, well then you're fucked. Also you will need trucks, to haul your buddies to the battle and their ammo, so you can sling lead at the local BLM styled street army that will be marching. Prepare to kill the enemy, and stop worrying about stupid shit. Oh I mean "When the enemy ever makes open warfare possible upon himself" because also people use tor to make threats and incite. I'm simply saying we are way past worrying about that shit. IB are total drek and sewage, run by the fucking jews and their scissors cousins the god damned muslims. If you have any questions just ask.