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Cannot use TOR Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:00 Id: 984e5e [Preview] No. 94194
Why the fuck is TOR posting not allowed?
Has this board become yet another honeypot?

The Internet is a Soft Kill Needle Into Your Fucking Head Tardus 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:10 Id: 56f9fa [Preview] No.94195 del
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Tor is run by stinking jews. In the years past, it has been used to spam the board.
but let's discuss what you think an forum should be. "Honeypot" in your mind means, a place where everyone's IP address is tracked, as opposed to tor where that's not the case. BUT ACTUALLY you don't have any truth to share or insights to offer, so what fucking difference does it make? You aren't going to use tor to make our world better, and also, you might not even be willing to admit that shitty lowlife fuckwads use tor to be assholes to honest and truthful discussions. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: They know everything already. If you aren't armed to the teeth to meet the LEO at your door and defeat him and all his buddies, well then you're fucked. Also you will need trucks, to haul your buddies to the battle and their ammo, so you can sling lead at the local BLM styled street army that will be marching. Prepare to kill the enemy, and stop worrying about stupid shit. Oh I mean "When the enemy ever makes open warfare possible upon himself" because also people use tor to make threats and incite. I'm simply saying we are way past worrying about that shit. IB are total drek and sewage, run by the fucking jews and their scissors cousins the god damned muslims. If you have any questions just ask.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:14 Id: 984e5e [Preview] No.94196 del
so what's the plan?
stop worrying and love the glowies?
just post non-anonymously?
are you telling me nobody on this board is using anonymization?

The Age of Being Real, While Every Uniform and Cop is a Joke. Tardus 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:28 Id: 56f9fa [Preview] No.94197 del
Well for example, when I post its typically my real IP. So yeah option three.
I don't recommend using chanisms like "glowie" or "chad" or "incel", the plan is this from my perspective, castigate the chans and IB bullshit from moot the j rat cunt and jim whutkins and speak the truth and cause the Valkyries to gaze in your direction. Yes, braveness is what we are about. I haven't posted to end/pol for years because yeah IB community has not yet hung moot from a railroad trestle. IB are sewers and so this is a lucky day for you to get to ask me questions. Own the thread, make it live and sing. Tell us what the fuck you were gonna do behind tor. Are you scared of prison? I know I have been there for a short time and I would rather shoot it out with the cops than ever go again but thats just me.

Some Forums You Have to Abuse, Others are Precious Fragile Things... Tardus 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:35 Id: 56f9fa [Preview] No.94198 del
Okay but I will mention that I had to drop VPN to post, because it had recognized my german IP as a 'spammer' ...So I dropped VPN to post among the endchan audience, and yes the cops here, who really are not on my level and really can never have a true human mind. No cop can ever be a real man unless he leave the cop job and begin repentance.. Now, obviously this sort of policy isn't going to make any of us safer, because we will be exposed to the snipes of ISP and administrative cunts..but it will alow me to state my position which is this, that prison is a torture chamber many good men are inside. Derek Chauvin for one, a combat veteran, still being tortured and stabbed there. So, to drop sheilds and front on end pol, is fun at the moment. I am eagerly awaiting the day I get to expend ammo. This peace is a strangulation game. So, yeah, some forums have a stage so to speak where you can be real, and speak directly to the cops.

Another forum I post on, is not real, and is a tabloid piece of shit run by jews/mossad, and so on that forum, they aren't trying to stop spammers as much as they are trying to protect jews. And so on that forum, I usually use a VPN because my real IP gets banned immediately, and I have to really tunnel in, to fling sand in their eyes. Just my experience.. it depends on the forum.

Don't Be Afraid of the Cops, Face Them Down and the Judge as Well. Tardus 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:42 Id: 56f9fa [Preview] No.94200 del
Not really because here we have exposed the russian/natsoc subfronts and have a lot of great info.
But I get you you super cool spy kid.

Fucking kikes invented the Mind Rape Called Psychology and You Know That. Tardus 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:44 Id: 56f9fa [Preview] No.94201 del
Also the "take your meds" and "schizo" jewish slurs wont work on me.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:24 Id: 9f053d [Preview] No.94203 del
>by russians
What is wrong on being a slav?

Anonymous Board owner 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:44 Id: 9ab622 [Preview] No.94204 del
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OP, read these. "TOR" was intentionally a tongue in cheek reference to "Torah" because it's entirely ran, financed and flaws reported to letter agencies by jews. If you're a true National Socialist as implied by the flag, you'll shut the fuck up and stop complaining. If not, I'll be happy to ban you. As repeatedly as it takes. See >>>/endpolmeta/ if you think I'm not serious.

We don't support the works of kikes here.

Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:54 Id: b12f4b [Preview] No.94206 del
Not slav

Anonymous Board owner 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:58 Id: 9ab622 [Preview] No.94208 del
I posted hastily, missing that before. Oh well. No National Socialist supports false claims of IQ. Yet another jew thing you're obsessed with. Good riddance and thanks for fucking off.

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 03:00 Id: 9f053d [Preview] No.94215 del
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Genes say yes

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