Some Forums You Have to Abuse, Others are Precious Fragile Things... Tardus 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:35 Id: 56f9fa No.94198 del
Okay but I will mention that I had to drop VPN to post, because it had recognized my german IP as a 'spammer' ...So I dropped VPN to post among the endchan audience, and yes the cops here, who really are not on my level and really can never have a true human mind. No cop can ever be a real man unless he leave the cop job and begin repentance.. Now, obviously this sort of policy isn't going to make any of us safer, because we will be exposed to the snipes of ISP and administrative cunts..but it will alow me to state my position which is this, that prison is a torture chamber many good men are inside. Derek Chauvin for one, a combat veteran, still being tortured and stabbed there. So, to drop sheilds and front on end pol, is fun at the moment. I am eagerly awaiting the day I get to expend ammo. This peace is a strangulation game. So, yeah, some forums have a stage so to speak where you can be real, and speak directly to the cops.

Another forum I post on, is not real, and is a tabloid piece of shit run by jews/mossad, and so on that forum, they aren't trying to stop spammers as much as they are trying to protect jews. And so on that forum, I usually use a VPN because my real IP gets banned immediately, and I have to really tunnel in, to fling sand in their eyes. Just my experience.. it depends on the forum.