Anon 07/18/2024 (Thu) 23:52 No.10692 del
(189.90 KB 750x900 Sunset.png)
>Pony levitation was intended as a power for Twilight Sparkle if I recall, before she got her wings, right. Well, Dolores Umbridge used it but I surprisingly don't see it in fan fiction much.
I've had similar thoughts, albeit I am not the most well kept up with fanfiction past 2014, lol! My guess is that unicorns are rarely "needed" -as in character roles or plotwise-for that sort of role when you have pegasi and alicorns, not to mention griffons, hipogriffs and the like, to fulfill various roles. Thinking of in terms of an RPG, unicorns not levitating or it being a bit taxing/unused on them means you need a flying character (or two!) and thus more interesting party overall/not one OP being able to dominate too much. I barely have done any RPing though. Just to note.

Is that the rating of the fic for you I assume?

>Liked it well enough but needs a bit more for me to chew on before I can get a feel if I would like it or not.
<Liked it well enough
>I can get a feel if I would like it or not.
Don't worry, I get what you were trying to say, you found the fic "okay" but you weren't sure you'd say you enjoyed it. You haven't gotten to know the characters and setting enough. I can still enjoy such things in mid phases sometimes but I have been in that boat too. I still found this little error humorous.

> *Sorry for mangling this. Been up since 3 A
Look at some of the other posts here, especially mine, probably find examples worse. No worries.

>Oh and one other thing. This fic exists:

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