L23 09/29/2018 (Sat) 21:01:00 No.2132 del
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>But what kind of pleasure do I have? My life is actively dedicated for diplomacy and they judge you day after day and despite attending parties frequently they become utterly boring if they are formal reunions. The relaxing part comes naturally because of standing up for my work, not because I look for it and I hope I never lose it.

>It´s getting darker. Luna, has decided not to go to the doors dreamy hall these days due to opting for her ambassador part instead. She has always lived with less pressure and her life at least, is somewhat adventurous and different even if some dreams turn out terrifying to deal. She has a dynamic I wish I had but I cannot complain about her. I did it last moon and I think I have to get over it.

>I am willing to close my eyes and so it ends a day I want to forget right now, it´s officially over for me. The bed again, with my windows closed, saves me from these daily tense nightmares.

>The comfort is absolute and as soon as I fell asleep, the paradise passed in front of me. My body felt how my energies were recovering so naturally, fluidly and warmly that I feel like I am diving in a sea full of lava. Trapped in a heated heart of fire, with a smile and grateful to be finally at home…..so much that it feels like my room where I am sleeping does have that temperature…

>Wait, outside? Right now? How is it hot? My bedroom cannot be that hot, I would have covered myself with a blanket. I don´t want to check it out but it feels so strange that I cannot avoid thinking about it. I guess there is no other option then.

>I wake up and I see that my bedroom has turned out fully orange. Instead of watching the night, it looks like I am witnessing an abrasive sunrise. It feels asphyxiating and it cannot come so harshly from outside, my windows are closed.

>I get up and again, I still don´t know what kind of magic is showing up to me and it doesn´t seem to come from anywhere apparently. There is no object, portal nor sign of magic around here. I knew from the start that Luna wouldn´t do this. She doesn´t like the heat as much for doing a joke like this one, she would feel uncomfortable if she did. In the end, I conclude to myself:

”It´s like the heat comes from me hahaha, I am the only hot body around here!” I said to myself.

“That´s because you are!” said a sinister sassy voice from the void.

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