L23 11/25/2018 (Sun) 22:33:00 No.2660 del
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>Now I am here in the volcanic crater. There it is the lava in front of my eyes. What surprises me the most is that despite feeling that heat, it´s not as insufferable as I thought. An average pony could withstand this ambient without entering there.

>I was seeing it fascinated and the interest is killing me. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth for not arriving at the extreme I felt like managing to feel. I have doubts if my body could stand that. I ask myself if maybe a spell for my body could….

“Well, well, well. Look at that. A pony who has dared to step into our playground and annoy us again” a pimp dragon said. “Haven´t they taught you that this is our place, white pony? Oh wait, that you are so soft and pastel creatures that you look for the red color of the rainbow over here for you “friendship”, isn´t it?” he continued.

>They laughed and mocked at me. I turned around my body and the one who was talking to me was Garble and his gang. Twilight had talked to me about them a couple of times.

“If you actually knew who you are talking to, you wouldn´t act that way” I responded

“Hey watch out, the white pony is getting furious. How scary and she wants to battle, uh?” he sarcastically said.

“You are dealing with the royal princess of Equestria. You hear me?” I affirmed with confidence without blinking.

“And what are you doing here, princess? Aren´t you supposed to be dealing with pony stuff? Are you coming for conquering us with your friendship you impose so much?” he asked.

“That´s none of your business” I answered.

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