Anon 10/09/2019 (Wed) 11:26:50 No.4755 del
>Is he the only in such position?
No, and it is possible that I could include other other stallions like him into the story, we’ll have to see how things go, but I’ll at least make reference to them.

>If it is just porn with a plot on the side
It’s actually the opposite. It’s a tragic romance with really kinky clop on the side.

>This act could be the most critical act. As it would be the place where actual character development begins.
Yeah, I was planning on making this one of my biggest acts, probably second out of the four. Despite all the kinky sex my story is going to be heavily character driven, so I’ll really want to flesh this out as much as possible. There’ll probably only be one or two clop scenes in the whole of this arch, one at the end between Octavia and her stallion, and possibly a filler clop between other characters in the story.

>it ruins the whole aspect of the crossover as two sides interacting that should be very freaked out over each other's existence even if they have to work together and not be already used to each other.
You basically just described every bad HIE fic ever. Although I don’t see how this applies to my story, my story isn’t a crossover, and the ponies within it have become accustom to this world over a decent period of time.

>Basically what I am saying in so many words is that this part should be a slower more stretched out process
I wouldn’t worry about that. I have a bad habit of including [i]a lot[/i] of detail into my stories, and then coming back to edit them by squeezing even more words in.

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