Anon 10/24/2019 (Thu) 18:09:15 No.4889 del
>I'm writing a non-green fanfic over at cuckchan.
you mean /mlp/. I wouldn´t say that /mlp/ is a person and everyone is a cuck over there (the difference between faggot and cuck is a stretch).

>an alternate ending to the series, treating everything up to S9E23 as canon
what are your motivations to skip the last three episodes? I mean, there is no wrong way to fantasize at all and one can dislike the finale (hey, i understand the varied opinions towards any official material, especially with the twist of Grogar at the beginning of the finale).

However, I am just curious about your decision to rewrite it with a different story.
Are you setting it up for a different timeline in which the villains win and take over Equestria?
Are you writing this as a message/protest towards the finale´s direction?
Are you doing this for raising a different perspective towards the characterization of the legion of Doom?
Do you do this because you want more material about them?
Or do you simply do it for fun or want to contribute to the fandom with an inspiring story that is floating in your mind?

I am asking simple questions to what surrounds all this material (which rounds 35.000 words so this looks like a serious project from yours).

>The story's pastebin so far (I'll share the fimfiction link once I make it)

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