Anon 05/27/2020 (Wed) 02:05:27 No.6117 del
(42.34 KB 320x483 Psypnet_1.jpg)
>Could it be related to age?
Pretty sure it's a mid-life crisis dream. At the start of this journey it all seemed so clear -- "success is up there"
Now that I should be nearly there, I have no idea where I am or where to go from here.

> have lost my count at how many times I have been dreaming about this

Have you looked up any dream dictionaries? They're fun, sometimes useful, sometimes frustrating, and often a new-age barrel of crap.
The reason "dream dictionaries" work, is that the human experience transcends cultures and times. Except where it doesn't.
The trick I've latched onto in interpreting dreams, is that everything there, is you. When your uncle shows up in the dream, it's not your uncle, it's how you feel about your uncle that shows up in the dream.
Usually I've found that if you read several common reasons for a symbol, such as water, to be used in a dream, that it will "feel right" and you'll be able to piece together what the whole of it was.
And in my case, they're usually elaborate questions, like the mice building Earth in Hitchhiker's Guide
Other times it's a frustrating mess because you know this aspect means something, but you can't find what.

Since you live in Europe, you may not relate to this at all, but it occurred to me after I wrote down the themes and the one recent example. In the cave-city, all the streets were in shops and the like, and they were stuff to overflowing with ... random things.

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