Anon 05/28/2020 (Thu) 22:53:41 No.6124 del
>Pretty sure it's a mid-life crisis dream. At the start of this journey it all seemed so clear -- "success is up there"
considering your explanation about your personal life, reading this doesn´t surprise me all that much. There was enough material to dig deep and codify the message beneath the words exposed.

>Now that I should be nearly there, I have no idea where I am or where to go from here.
Now, the midlife crisis, good luck. Although Bridgefag has gone through that phase so perhaps he has something to say about this period.

>Have you looked up any dream dictionaries?
no, I haven´t.

>The reason "dream dictionaries" work, is that the human experience transcends cultures and times.

>The trick I've latched onto in interpreting dreams, is that everything there, is you.
that´s...not a outlandish strategy to take. I mean, all comes from your own mind and your brain could display a few connections that don´t make sense rationally but they do, not to mention that the brain doesn´t stop working while you are sleeping (it simply stays less active)

>Other times it's a frustrating mess because you know this aspect means something, but you can't find what.

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