Anon 08/07/2021 (Sat) 16:21:30 No.7767 del
(29.99 KB 700x435 trainstation.jpg)
While this is the "breakup" scene, technically it was written first -- but the few readers on /gtpone/ wanted to see how it started, so I wrote the other one later. To which I think the exact response was a breathless "WOW you really set a tone with this!"
Although cuckchan thought it meandered aimlessly and had too many spelling errors co create a discernible story.
I honestly don't think the self-appointed editors in the FiM thread speak English -- all their advice is flat-out wrong.


>Roasting Hops tried to put her champagne glass back down without breaking it.
>Or let her thumping heart break her ribcage.
>"Anon, it's been so long."
>She discreetly eyed the places she remembered him keeping his sharp implements.
>They were covered by clothing; they weren't drawn. He wasn't here to kill her.

>Anon sat himself in the small pony seat across from the green mare.
>Roasting Hops looked around, without moving her nose, for Upper Crust.
>No sign of her date yet. She was early, after all.

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