Review: Commentary and Notes Part 1 Anon 08/30/2021 (Mon) 07:52:08 No.7816 del
>Roasting Hops tightened the table saddle's girth
>a platter of drinks, balanced across the saddle's beams.
A should be capitalized
>Hops had been distracted all day; stumbling into customers.
<Derpy, she is a Derpy!

>Hops had been distracted all day; stumbling into customers.
>spilling precious drops of their drink.
Again, new sentence, should be capitalized.

>It wasn't just equines tonight.
>a mated couple, griffons, came in with a kirin.
Okay, maybe there is some typing style with greens that I am unfamiliar with, but I believe with these they should be capitalized, period = new sentence, though I suppose you could connect them with a em dash, but that wouldn't be fitting with the style of greens.

>Every drink put down shifted the platter's weight.
>it wanted to fall off; Roasting Hops had to keep shifting the platter on the saddle.

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