Anon 05/20/2022 (Fri) 23:14:34 No.8257 del
>So, Dolores Umbridge is from the future?
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>Starlit's time in the book

The "memoryplate spell" is like a memory orb
in copy-mode, but preformatted for unskiled unicorns to energize it.

In practice, given equine's wide field of vision, it's like one of
>pic attached
but in ultra-wide-screen format, and interspersed with video if the subject remembered that it needed to be in motion to make sense.

But the way they're attached to the timeline, they show you the future, all the way to the 300yr mark when the 'plate was made if you have time to watch, was the future that was about to be but now that you're reacting to something not in the previous timeline, no longer will be.
Let the plate de-energize, and it re-attaches to the now and you can choose another path. Then try to guess if you changed things, or someone else suddenly shifted the course of time!
To minimize the latter, it's exclusively the future of glim-glam, which has its own set of frailties because maybe she didn't change anything after all, or could never follow her own directions ("I will kill Fluttershy just before the human gets to her hut" vs. "I will kill Fluttershy just after he gets out of bed to go pee in the night") So ultimately, she learns to interpret her self-directions as "I'll TRY and just goes with her gut, without checking multiple times over every apparent fork. This, too, gets her into trouble though it takes multiple re-ups, and notes therefrom, to understand the subtlety of the memoryplate-as-comms.