Anonymous 10/06/2019 (Sun) 02:03:58 No.10569 del
Pelosi's son & Ukraine
Nancy Pelosi’s Son Was Exec At Gas Company That Did Business In Ukraine
by Patrick Howley
October 3, 2019

Paul Pelosi Jr. travelled to Kiev, Ukraine in July 2017 in his capacity as executive director of the Corporate Governance Initiative, a position that he accepted months earlier in February 2017. Pelosi Jr. said that he was in Ukraine to discuss a youth soccer partnership with the government.
The American Mirror, which flagged Pelosi Jr.’s appearance in 2017, preserved a clip of Pelosi Jr. on the Ukrainian station following the video’s removal from YouTube.

2017 — What's really going on here? Nancy Pelosi's son in Ukraine to talk about "soccer"?
— The American Mirror (@American_Mirror) September 27, 2019

As Patrick Howley found, Paul Pelosi Jr. previously held top positions with the energy-sector companies Viscoil Group and NRGLab.

On March 5, 2013, NRGLab New Technology posted two videos on Youtube. One video opened with a clip of Nancy Pelosi discussing energy-efficient technology, followed by a direct-to-camera statement from her son Paul Pelosi Jr., filmed in Washington, D.C. in 2010.

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