Interesting topic...have some thoughts.
Have never heard of a Board Operator, just a Board Owner (how would one tell the dif? same abbrev.)
Don't know how to say this diplomatically....but no baker thinks of himself as "managed" by a BO. And I doubt any note-taker thinks of himself as "managed" by a baker--I sure never try to manage anybody on any board. Even the shills won't put up with it!!
Also, you must know that bakers usually manage the dough, not BOs. That was true on QR until rogue BO seized power; it's why some of us migrated to QRB and remain there to this day (when it's up, LOL).
As a QRB baker, I do a lot of dough mgmt; BO 8bit does nothing with the dough. Bakers are in charge, kek. He backs off even moar than he needs to, bc he's trying to support bakers after we got annihilated on QR. Bakers on QRB are FANTASTIC. Mostly new, really great people. They are sorely missed.
Now you started this board and do a lot of work on it. If you want to be the only one to work with the dough, I as a baker don't really care, happy to collect notes and bake. But if you want to work with the dough mainly bc you are concerned that bakers--or anyone--will fuck with it, that outlook will come to bite you in the ass PDQ, bc nothing can be done in the absence of trust.
This is a cooperative venture, not a hierarchical structure. We are all volunteers here and have many, many talents. Micro-mgmt will never work, especially with this crew.
Do you realize how valuable is the input you get from all of us? You have never been a BO before you said. Well, that means you can use all the input you can get, right? Especially if this board grows. Stuff that works when there are 25 anons here and a very small audience may not work when the board has hundreds or more.
You've done thing "your way" here, departed from some things done on QR. But how much did you think that thru?
I just sent you a post, after realizing the big disadvantage of not putting the notes in the dough. Very good learning experience for me--now i know why the ones who setup QResearch used a somewhat moar complex structure. Because notes are much moar fluid, mistakes can be undone pretty easily for awhile. Based on that idea, i would probably recommend "reverting" to the approach set up by QR bakers two years ago. Tried and true, works well.
>>10412Re "backend work"
Yes, you do a lot o that. That is usually what bakers do, and you are a baker among other things. You could share those reponsibilities but you choose not to. So you have moar work to do.
>who watches the bakers?well it sure at hell isn't the BO! I had my fill of being watched by FJ--and moar than watched--hounded.
>what about shill bakersBased bakers watch and tend the dough and reverse anything bad that shill bakers do. Have done so many times. And not just the bakers--oldfag anons watch, too. WE work together, trust one another, good crew.
>just want a few board operatorsYou are going to need more than a "few" operators, you will need as many as possible. I shamelessly beg for bakers every bred on every board. There as NEVER enough bakers or note-takers, am abjectly grateful for anybody who will help. And if and when other boards come back, this operator (me) will have many responsibilities, which is why i have been trying to help here, so you will have some materials to give to newfags.
Bottom line: You think you can control everything but that's just not true. There will always been shill bakers, shill posters, shit-posters, and possibly worse. If you want this board to succeed, ya gotta learn to TRUST THE PLAN. Those aren't just words, they are a commitment.
That's the only way it works.
I'm here for you even if you hate what i'm saying. I don't give a rip what you or anybody thinks of me. ONLY CARE ABOUT THE WORK, and I can still do good work here.
Want to be a working BO? Great. But you're working WITH us, not MANAGING us. None of us. Listen to anons, trust your gut, move ahead. You can do it, just LET GO!!
WRWY. Be with us, too.