#sGrv/I 10/08/2019 (Tue) 01:21:52 No.11768 del

>>10471 D3 Incomming? (cap)
>>10510 MRAP's have weaknesses. Do you know them?
>>10782 'growing pains means we are moving in the right direction
>>10795 'Train them well and they will make you proud.'
>>10855 You are witnessing the collapse
>>10856 What happened to the Mueller hype?
>>11036 Which is checkmate?

BV Collected Notes
>>10413 >>10420 Information Warfare: Info & Disinfo >add to dough
>>10425 Obama signed an Executive Order: United Nations allowed to use Force on US Citizens
>>10430 One moar thing on Hunter Biden/Rosemont Seneca
>>10434 trump-orders-cuts-national-security-council-amid-whistleblower-saga

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