Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 04:34:44 No.12941 del
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Why do dumb faggots post random shit instead of actually RESEARCHING or making MEMES that are usable? Why waste bread posting random shit instead of putting some actual effort in?

Why do newfags behave as though telling the truth means someone is a shill?

Somebody has to say it, even if you don't like it or me. I'm not here for friends, I don't care how this makes you feel or feel about me. Truth is truth. It's especially important to tell the truth when it is going to hurt.

The lack of effort here is really disappointing. I was hoping actual digs and being gentle would inspire effort. It did not. We get outhouse "memes" posts filled with random shit, lots of feelz posts, "dayshift" graphics, people trying to ape Q with lists of questions, fake AIfaggot's superficial esoteric attention-stealing bullshit.

What has been done here today to move the ball forward for POTUS?
(not including those who have been active on socials >>12910 thank you)

There are 10s of posts about what you would say to POTUS, but in reality if he was standing in front of you now, he would not hesitate to kick your ass for not doing anything productive today, he would not hesitate to dress you down and set your priorities straight.

Our POTUS has said "We are at WAR"
Our POTUS is in the midst of a coup

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