Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 23:45:03 No.15127 del
(827.73 KB 1275x852 watcherz.png)
actually one thing i would like to see is this letterhead if anyone knows how to find it. I think it relates to the arkansas/tennasee/georgia "farms" and scottish rite being changed when clinton was in office. That letterhead if we can see that it would blow a lot of shit open. Supposedly its in a corn field in illinois. Which i figured was the reason for all the corn talk and comey in the cornfield. Even cornpop. and then popcorn if we can find the damned thing. Now that i think of it THIS POSSIBLY IS THE WATCHERS/LISTENERS FUCKING RECENTLY COMMED ABOUT BY Q

the pic is from a netflix show not real but what i imagine the farms to look like. The post was from 2013 on 4chan's /x/. I have a thread on it here too to basically catch anyone up >>>/horror/2031 (my occult digging board I made before i got into Q)