Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 01:23:26 No.15228 del
Yep, people sometimes take oaths. But oaths vary in content, ya gotta know what is said in order to evaluate the significance.

But if you think that people only take oaths in secret societies, that's not so. People take oaths all the time--in ordinary life. Not formally, but within themselves, thru their intentions.

People sometimes manipulate others (witchcraft) and intensely hate people (if only for a moment = black magic). That's doesn't make everyone evil, it makes us imperfect. Ignorant, selfish, unthinking (etc).
In this group, we are fighting corruption, espec. "wickedness in high places." So it's tempting to see things in black and white terms.
But nothing is black and white. Good and evil are intermixed in all of us--and good people are found in bad places and vice-versa. It's also true that subsets of groups can be little islands of light in a sea of darkness. So ya ALWAYS have to look at the specifics b4 making judgments. And even then, it's still a challenge.

Discernment--it's the only thing that really allows us to separate the wheat from the tares. When we can discern, we can make fine distinctions instead of blanket statements. Blessings, anons. So honored to be among you, doing such challenging work.