Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 01:36:03 No.15237 del
I have a question and I would like some feedback because I'm stymied.

I never understood WHY North Korea was somehow important.
>Who fucking cares if they get nukes? They can't use them or Russia, China & Japan will obliterate them so WTF?
Then Q laid it out: CIA ran the Kim family = ran NK and were behind the effort to get nukes so they would have a private nuclear arsenal to hold the world hostage.
Same for Iran.
Ok, all good.

But WTF was behind the strange (but brief) obsession with overthrowing Maduro in Venezuela?
It really makes no sense to me. Seriously, who cares that it's socialist? That doesn't directly impact our NatSec as far as I can discern. There are several socialist countries in S Am, and fuck China is building a new "Panama Canal" in Honduras to get around the Panama canal & US control of it, so they are much closer (geographically) making inroads.
Yes, VZ sells oil (Citgo), but we have choices and also our own oil. Still not a valid reason enough to try to overthrow him in a horribly sloppy coup attempt and try to get the country to accept some literal who that the populace isn't behind. It seemed hasty, ill-advised, sloppy and amateur to me.

In talking with a friend today about NK & IR, then about VZ, well it occurred to me that perhaps it was a clown op, since it would be logical for them to want a base in the Western Hemisphere with a private nuclear arsenal as well...

Does that seem plausible as a premise at all?
Does anyone have a different reason or explication of that whole push/op?

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