Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:12:00 No.15262 del
(66.29 KB 750x428 Qanoncows.jpg)
> farmers couldn't produce it
The government and others subsidize farmers to grow an excess.
Varies on the crop, but something like 25% extra supply is provided than demand.
In order to not crash the market, these foodstocks are then destroyed (thrown in the ocean which is good feeds the fishies), or transferred to... certain facilities.

This protects against famine.
Also protects us against a certain crop being destroyed, such as if a locust plague destroyed large swaths of wheat, we could supplement from the reserves of corn and oats.

As for the facilities... think "designated survivor" to get an idea of what purpose these facilities would have and why they need food.

Even besides all that, economically it would be yuge. Price is the intersection of supply (upwards line) and demand (downwards line). Increase the demand, and that price point raises. We have plenty of room to increase supply.