Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:39:45 No.15419 del
See >>14462 lb for a list of companies collaborating with Red China and compromising American ideals.

Hey, memefags, how about generating some memes that compare the kowtowing of American businesses to Red China with that of similar collaboration with the Nazis? They are refusing to promote American ideals and support for Hong Kong protesters all because of the love of money. Yet they are all too willing to criticize our own people for trivial matters.

All the anger generated because Americans wish to exercise their free speech rights but are being muzzled due to theirs or their employers' financial interests reminds me of American businesses that collaborated with the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940. These dealings resulted in the deaths of millions of Jews, Europeans, and Americans, all furthered by the love of money (one of the Seven Deadly Sins). Some of these businesses were:

Ford Motor Company
Associated Press
Standard Oil (now BP and Chevron)
Chase Bank
General Electric Company
General Motors Company

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