10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:59:00
>>15425>what happens to 'democrats' after the democratic party has sufficiently imploded that it is defacto irrelevant?Great question, anon
I don't see that "base" jumping on the KAG train...
There is a healthy percentage of "democrats" that at least tell themselves they are "traditional libertarians"
So I think you are on the right track with that
When an order collapses, often those seeking to continue look back to the past -when time were good (kek)-
for the demonrats; that would be 'traditional' libertarianism
-at least as the story goes...
I don't have the same fear of a uniparty situation though...
Not that I don't fear a uniparty politic;
I don't think we are in real danger of it
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