Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 15:16:33 No.15608 del
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>see maxjizz lanewell
>cicada3301 /x/p0sting activates!
Here are some of my effortposts on the epstein/ghislaine saga. The 1610 plaque is located at epstein's zorro ranch in NM. I feel that it may contain hidden messages pertaining to the role of America on this prison planet within this holographic universe.
For instance, on july 4 1610 polish forces defeated russian forces in the battle of klushino and went on to occupy moscow later that same year. Trump just recently allowed all polish citizens to travel back and forth between poland and america with tremendously less paperwork and hassle than most countries have to deal with. Is poland actually our greatest ally in this metaphysical hyperwar between russia and america? Coincidences?
For more info please dig up the old archived pages of the 4p0l/egg/ threads from a month or two ago.
Credit to dylan louis monroe for the cult of baal chart