Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 15:26:28 No.15610 del
>haven't seen any digs on Barr's convo with Murdoch re Shep Smith "resigning".
How would we be able to find out?

>Lots of reportage, no details.
Agree - it was almost reported together so either
a) linked in actuality
b) not linked in actuality, but reported to imply that

AFAIK, Rupert is not the head honcho at FOX anymore, his son is. So that raises a question to me - did Barr divulge some information about Shepp's illegal activities or that he's being blackmailed over something? That possibly would be alarming to Rupert and be a liability for the company (if it wasn't already known).

However, the two events could really be totally unrelated and it may have been more the case that it was strictly a business decision: Tucker has waaay higher viewership (and a loyal viewer base) than Shepp, and the company cannot be seen as having an internal civil war or stark contradiction in PoV among their staff of reporters, so Shepp had to go. They will make up the ratings pretty quickly if they put someone more conservative and supportive of POTUS in Shepp's time slot.

Ana Navarro is urging that her network give Sheppard Smith a chance (and hire him) even though hiring Megyn Fox was a disaster for them. tbqh it would be a natural fit for Shepp, since he is not and has never been conservative.

I hope that leftist faggot Chris Wallace is next.