Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 18:19:20 No.15657 del
Gasoline would be much cheaper.
And if we were under space attack from China or others, we would immediately missile the fuck out of their satellites.

Imagine, they could strike any place, from space, at will. So... why not the white house, while Trump is known to be inside?

At best this most recent branch could be the airplane mounted version, and that would satisfy the above question based on flight restrictions.

Still... you'll burn more fuel on the airplanes than just having some kid set fires with gasoline, and then killing the witness (the kid) "oh lost in the fire."
Just doesn't really make sense to me, logistically.

What I do know is that it was only 60 or so degrees when these fires caught, and that is nowhere near hot enough, nor has fall placed heaps of dry organic matter all over the ground.

Started intentionally? For sure.
DEWs? Very unlikely.