Anonymous 10/18/2019 (Fri) 00:34:40 No.19513 del
There are many meaning to the word "comp'd." It's short for compromised but here it usually connotes deliberate fuckery. That obviously happens but many things can happen that are less than ideal. Many things can happen to individual people that are less than ideal.

>being called shill
Sorry anon but it happens to anyone who does serious work, serious enough to stand out in some way. Nail that sticks out gets pounded down--shills are right there with a nice little hammer. And sometimes a hand grenade or two. Means your over the target, right?

>why contribute on a comp'd board
Where else would you go right? Voat? Twitter? More to the point, where will you go when 8chan comes up? QR is not yet free of problems, but Q is there--so anons are there too. You can go to QRB, good place to work, but QR problems will still require our attention, discernment and prayers.
Please stick around a while longer, if you can. We need people like you. The same goes for all the anons here, all of you who have made this board a viable workspace, despite everything. Where we are all together, that place is home for the moment.