Anonymous 10/18/2019 (Fri) 01:14:07 No.19539 del
>Unique id's per bred is the approach used in QR and QRB breds. I think most anons find it practical, no doxxing happens. Two advantages: better comms and easier to identify shills.
Yes exactly. It also facilitates conversations better, you know that is the anon you responded to before, and the dialog moves forward, others jump in and you know that's a different anon.

The complete lack of UIDs is incredibly confusing - you don't know if that is the anon who asked you a question or not? The one who responds to you is the one who asked you initially?? You have no idea and can't know. It also facilitates shilling a lot more - it's easier to pretend to be different anons to 'back up' the original bad post. (Not that it's a huge problem, just saying).

There is no reason whatsoever for bakers to use a tripcode except for the initial posts in a thread or responding to "management," and no reason for management to use tripcodes except when speaking as such (and really all those tripcodes could/should be consolidated into one for clarity and streamlined activity reasons). There is really no need to 'stand out' via a tripcode except when doing that particular task. The entire point of being anon is being anon, and tripcodes, if required like here, are only for a task; when not doing that task, no need to be other than anon.