Anonymous 10/18/2019 (Fri) 03:41:08 No.19624 del
(1.25 MB 800x800 Alabama Notables.png)
People love the memes and Notables.
They love the news.
The like to think about people working together.
They want to be part, but they are only beginning.
Easy jobs for those.
If they can't do easy job, they can still enjoy the show.
Some will tell their Families about us.
Some will fail, some will surprise.
Everyone is humbled by the grind.
People Quit, which is what they need sometimes;sometimes they come back.
Work together;recognize when shills are working to divide.
We have the frame, now we need the players/helpers.
W them, increase fire by factors of the best trained.
Unite the right group, BOOM.
Grow the group to thousands, BOOM.
Turn Trust into influence, BOOM.

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