##qnktnX 10/18/2019 (Fri) 04:30:48 No.19680 del
Want a functional board? Then create an environment of shared trust between all participants:
- value trust over certainly (you can't have certainly anyways)
im aware and do trust to a point. gotta work on it. but all that 8chan shill shit scorned me good.

- assume most people are trustworthy (coz it's mostly true)
yes i know people by nature are good, proby why i let the shills in. even they need a chance to change for god

- give people a chance to show you they can be trusted (small responsibilities moving to larger ones)
yes, am working on it. if i can lurkers to become notetakers and notetaklers to move up to baking then may, jsut maybe i can get a bv... alreay have one on the board but he dont want to do more than just bake.

- if there's a question/problem, give patient feedback and see how it goes
i will try to be more patient and pleasurable when anwering questions and giving feedback.

- treat all anons with respect (anons are smart, motivated and self-activating--they don't take shit from bossy bakers or BOs)
am trying to move away from bossiness. i know some anons are actually the boss in real life. bv jobs just waiting for them here.

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