Anonymous 10/22/2019 (Tue) 06:50:07 No.21241 del

>>14604 ok... another excalibur hit (first post >>14003)

#9433 >>14953
>>14991 We appreciate everything you folks do.
>>15004 obama white rabbit time (cap)
>>15128 PB information can be ignored easily when it conflicts with your world view,
>>15247 Sunsets (coded?)
>>15324 I'd like to lead us in a Night Shift Prayer.
>>15358 Everything we are dealing with, starts here
>>15443 Curious... How much gold do we have? (>>15446)
>>15445 Hell is on the way
>>15453 you are to turn your leaden self IN TO GOLD and find the world between world
>>15460 Au(mmm)
>>15475 This is bigger than any one person or entity.
>>15504 Wake Up(vid)

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