Anonymous 12/21/2019 (Sat) 15:50:01 No.42866 del
Again, here you go:


Either you help us stop this coup or you will be held to be a part of it. Are you working for the restoration of the Republic or against it? Will you only help those running the coup by not sharing the info I have posted?

If the Dems púsh the articles, Trump will be impeached! You have not ready one single thing I have posted! The only solution will be for Trump to take it to the Supreme court now! You are completely insane! And this is way more important then any research on Romania! I am posting this all over the Internet and am dying to see you attack me further as this will only proof that you are complicit in this coup attempt and are helping rogue agents dupe the masses. Either you join the effort to restore the Republic or you will be found to be part of the destruction of the Republic. The choice is yours.