Anonymous 12/23/2019 (Mon) 07:01:18 No.42917 del
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Are you faggos still digging on Schiff-Soros? Turns out her mother and uncle,
Paul Sandler, are interesting people. If you follow AP's finders and Maxwell digs,
then you would not be alone with a sense that this Marlene and Paul may have crossed
their paths. Lots of threads to pull on this one.

>Melissa Schiff Soros
>Marlene S. Schiff
>Paul Sandler

>Following college he was drafted into the Army, went through Officer
>Candidate School and served with the 101st Airmobile Division, Pathfinder
>Group, as a Lieutenant in Vietnam from Aug. 1969 to Aug. of 1970. He then
>served with the 10th Special Forces Group for his last six months of service.
>He was awarded the Bronze Star and four Air Medals for Missions performed.

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