Anonymous 10/01/2019 (Tue) 01:49:41 No.7622 del
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>old gang
You betcha.
>Except the cupcakes
Damn straight. Fuck anyone who doesn't like cupcakes!!

YVW. Just wish there was more thinking and analyzing going on here... Everyone totally ignored the financial aspect, which is YUGE.
>You have more than you know
only counts if you pay attention and learn the PLAYERS and their MOVES.
All moves have financial ripple effects. This is one sector where anons have fallen down on the job.

Ok, so back to effortposting...
My autism doesn't work with numbers (why I'm not a clockfag - that shit boggles me completely). But I can help pick apart what works (as with the word Capitalizations and ALL CAPS and associative definitions). This method was proven correct repeatedly, but has not been applied overall to Qs posts, just to select ones.

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